I almost died once...Seriously!

Psalm 30:1 says, “I will exalt you, Lord, for you rescued me. You refused to let my enemies triumph over me.”

I have had several near-death experiences. In the past few years specifically, I have had some deadly reactions to different drugs—you know, the ones on the side-effects list that NO ONE gets—those are the ones I’m talking about!

Anyway, I once flat-lined on a dose of one of those medicines. My nurse was scared to death. For just about a minute, I had no heartbeat. I remember thinking the thought, “My sins are forgiven, I’m going home.”

Then, I heard a male nurse who was putting something in my IV say, “we have her back to 20 beats per minute.” I heard the nurse in charge yelling, “talk to me, talk to me.” I didn’t know what she wanted me to say, and I’m never at a loss for words!

Finally, I said calmly, “It’s okay, I know where I’m going.” She frantically said, “but not tonight.” To which I replied, “Heaven is a wonderful place to be.” She proclaimed, “but NOT on my watch!”

It wasn’t my time to go, so technically she was right, but this situation solidified my faith! Either way, He will rescue me and I will exalt the Lord because my enemy, Satan himself, will never triumph over me! Let’s keep that in mind every day!  

And there you go!




Oh, How Marvelous...Seriously!